Friday, March 30, 2012

Mockingjay Pins and Mayor of 2!

Just received my very own Mockingjay pin from e-bay. Coolest thing ever. To become Mayor of District 2 (Masonry) just answer this question: If you could build anything, anything at all, what would it be?
Competition closes TOMORROW! So keep those entries coming! You can enter once and only once. So put your answer as a comment. If you cannot leave a comment, because the blog won't let you sign in, then click the "lolz" button at the bottom of this post. I think I would build a teleporter so I wouldn't have to take long car journeys! So leave your answer as a comment. But, if you want me to skip all these districts and move straight to the competition for District 12's Mayor, click the ;p button at the bottom of this post. If you know me personally, you could just tell me your answer. Sorry for not posting for a few days! Happy Easter (if you celebrate Easter) and happy holidays (to everyone!). 

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